Victoria Barclay

Vancouver, British Columbia

Victoria Barclay recently completed her Master of Arts in sociology from the University of British Columbia. She independently researched the housing experiences of racialized women who have fled violence in Vancouver and Toronto. She also worked with a team to explore the impact of the National Occupancy Standards on women after violence in these cities. Victoria is currently a Project Coordinator at Women Transforming Cities, where she leads the development of an equity assessment tool for City Councillors to assess the impact of their decisions on equity-deserving groups. Victoria is also an ex-officio board director for Habitat for Humanity Canada and is a member of the Race and Ethno-Cultural Advisory Committee at the City of Vancouver. In addition to a Master of Arts, Victoria holds an Honours Bachelor of Arts (with distinction) in sociology, political science, and equity studies from the University of Toronto. Her short- and long-term objectives are to contribute to a safer, more inclusive, and more just world by developing evidence-based and equity-centred policy.


Taylor Campeau


Wei-Tung Ling