Ikhnoor Khaira

Ottawa, Ontario

Iknoor is a feminist youth activist currently pursuing a Joint Honours BA in Philosophy and Political Science at the University of Ottawa. Passionate about the intersection of gender and digital equity as well as peace and security, she strives to ensure that all women, girls, and gender diverse communities are empowered to lead in our technologically-advancing world. Dedicated to this mission, she served as a Canadian delegate to multiple multilateral fora, including as the Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Coordinator for the Young Diplomats of Canada delegation to the United Nations’ 67th Session for the Commission on the Status of Women. She has worked with various NGOs around the world for meaningful gender empowerment, notably within the legal realm to promote digital solutions to further the access to justice of women, girls, and gender diverse communities in vulnerable contexts. Iknoor is currently a member of the Youth Policy-Makers Hub for the Ontario Council for International Cooperation, amplifying discussions around the gender digital divide and the women/youth, peace, and security agendas.


Hasti Pourriahi


Irene Victor